Complaints Policy
This policy constitutes Kings Recruit’s formal complaints procedure and it will be made readily accessible to all candidates
- We acknowledge that, at times, candidates, parents or others connected to them may have concerns about the service we provide. We would hope to resolve any concerns, in the first instance, by talking to the person raising the concern and then by taking appropriate and prompt action. However, if the recruiter receives a formal complaint about our service verbally, in writing or by email we will investigate the complaint, take any necessary action and report the outcome to the complainant.
- We also recognise the importance of recording all concerns, complaints and compliments to effectively monitor, review and improve the service we offer.
- A complaint or concern is not always a written statement – it may be a verbal comment, it may be a change in attitude or it may be an action, e.g. when a candidate withdraws for no obvious reason. All staff need to be able to recognise a concern or complaint and be able to know how to manage any concerns or complaints that arise.
- Complainants must direct any complaints against a client through Head Office or through the recruiter rather than direct to the client.
Stage One
- If any person is dissatisfied with or has a concern about any aspect of the recruitment process they should, in the first instance, take up their concern with their recruiter.
- If the person making the complaint does not wish, for any reason, to raise the matter with the recruiter, they should be directed to contact the Business Development Manager directly.
- Any concerns will be recorded on an ‘Incident Report’.
- If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved after informal discussion and the person raising the initial concern wishes to make a more formal complaint, Stage 2 will come into operation.
Stage Two
- Any complaint should be made in writing or email to the Business Development Manager at Head Office. It is likely if a complaint is made verbally, the person will be asked to put the complaint in writing.
- All details of the complaint will be electronically recorded along with all details and subsequent action taken.
- Head Office will acknowledge receipt of any written complaint within 24 hours and will then investigate the complaint and take action as appropriate.
- A formal written response (which can include a copy of the Complaints Record or a separate letter giving more detail) will be sent to the candidate concerned, with an account of the findings and any action taken. This will be within 7 days of the date on which the complaint was made. Unless extended investigation is required at which point the candidate carer will be informed of the new deadline.
- A summary record of complaints received maintaining full confidentiality will be available at Head Office.
- All recruiters will be made aware and act upon any recommendations arising from dealing with the complaint, including any amendments to procedures and policies.
- If the person making the complaint remains dissatisfied they may wish to contact the local and national regulator who has responsibility for the service.
Key Contacts
Head Office: Business Development Manager, Kings Active, Osborne House, 47 Snaithing Lane, Sheffield. S10 3LF. Tel: 0114 263 2153. Email:
Maritime & Coastguard Agency: Bay 2/23, Spring Place, 105 Commercial Road, Southampton, SO15 1EG. Tel: 02380 329 100. Email: