So that we can learn as much as we can about you during the interview we need you to prepare the below task, you will be asked to present this during the interview.
Please plan one of the following sport sessions:
• Danish Longball
• Basketball
• Uni Hoc/Hockey
Your sport session should be suitable for a group of 16 children and last no more than 30 minutes. You will have to choose what age group you would deliver this session to and how you would adapt the session to different age groups. Camp age groups are; 4-7yrs, 8-10 yrs and 11-14yrs.
We will be looking for your session to include the following:
• Energy and enthusiasm in delivery
• Safe, structured and progressive session plan
• Something we have not seen before!
You will be asked to present your sports session on Skype so please take this into consideration and make it as visual as possible.
If your session is up to scratch, then we’ll proceed with the rest of the interview, however if we don’t think you’ve displayed the necessary skills at this point then this will be the end of your interview.
This is your chance to shine so please be as creative and innovative as possible!